
A sunny day today!

Hi guys,

Here an update of today`s tour.

At 5 am, we headed out to a morning that was slightly overcast, but thankfully not raining. The weather got better as the morning went on and our moods followed. One of the support team commented that whilst yesterday the pelotons were silent with heads down, today you could hear the chatter from 100’s of meters away. Love the sun!

Saturday does not usually include a school visit, however that was not the case today. The kids of Tarago Primary School all came in to school today to be with us -Sensational! Why, because they were genuinely interested and gave us their undivided attention as we delivered our message of Be Fit, Be Healthy, Be Happy.

What great kids and what a great school visit. They even gave us a beautiful donation, which they had all contributed to. Country Australia has a heart whose beat we should all experience. We also managed to get a full tour photo and it was impressive to see everyone all together (see link below).

After lunch we climbed a few hills on our way into Canberra including one that hurt – not too long but 10% gradient – and this got us thinking about the days ahead through the Snowy Mountains. Particularly day 6 where we will cover over 200kms and a horrible amount of vertical. Hopefully I’ll be up for writing a report that night!

So we hit Canberra knowing we had ridden a long way, but so much happier than yesterday. Tomorrow the guest riders leave us and it will pick up in pace again.

Tonight, it was Life Technologies who was hosting the night and I got to host the evening in company of Gary B, one of the co-founder of the Tour de Cure. We had a great night and Life Technologies give its official contribution to the organiser… 537 000$ covering, fundraising money, equipment and reagent that will be used by two prestigious researcher to pursue their quest for cancer treatment! Well done Life Tech!

There are a lot of photos that have been taken from the last 2 days. Have a look through the link below to discover the beautiful country and awesome people who I get the privilege to ride with!


Tomorrow, we hit the high country……bring it on!



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