
Welcome to my blog

Welcome to My Tour de Cure Blog. Only 28 days to go until we embark on Adelaide to Canberra on a tour that is promised to deliver some amazing scenery and of course meet some truely inspiring people and to inspire the communities and spread our message of ‘Be fit, be healthy and be happy’!

I am a supporter and what the support team does on tour is keep things running, ensures that the cyclists are safe on the roads and we can cater to their needs on the road ie: food, hydratiion, first Aid, mechanical equipment.  together we are a gread team of dedicated people that pull together to raise money for Cancer.

Over the coming weeks I will post some fundraising events that I will be holding and hope that you can support me in my efforts to fund Research, Support and Prevention of Cancer

Thank you for support

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If you want you can even spread the word and post it on facebook.