
Sydney Training opportunity

20140204_082513Well work commitments (and family of course) don’t stop for Tour preparations, we all need to balance these as best as possible, so whenever the opportunity arises you snap it up.


I was required to be in Sydney for an Optus workshop, so I packed my road bike into a bike bag, along with the usual personal items and headed to Sydney.

Tour de Cure team Optus were most hospitable and escorted me on a ride to Bobbin Head and return on the Tuesday.  Some great time on the bike and 3 good climbs in the bank.  Kevin Russell beat me up the first climb so there are some scores to settle there!  The Sydney crew are training really well and receiving great coaching from Brett McMurtrie who races locally.  Lisa Healey is the team captain and fills the role exceptionally, she has coordinated the team to such a point they are always present and accounted for.


The next day Lisa, Kevin and I hit it out again to Bobbin Head for a speedy effort ride with some PB’s broken and a good threshold session completed.


Coffee’s at the local Cafe’ the perfect conclusion


Thanks to everyone in Optus Sydney for the hospitality.

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