Rain. What rain?
I did my targeted 300k for the week despite the start (finally) of the wet. But we are back on cyclone watch AGAIN, and with a trip to Cairns planned for Thursday and settlement on our new house for Friday … Continue reading
I did my targeted 300k for the week despite the start (finally) of the wet. But we are back on cyclone watch AGAIN, and with a trip to Cairns planned for Thursday and settlement on our new house for Friday … Continue reading
So much for cyclone watch – I even managed 100k between the showers. Trouble is the humidity was over 90% at the start so I felt like I was cycling underwater!!
It looks like this may be a recovery week – M I is presently on cyclone watch. Of course if I can do all my riding down wind it won’t be a problem.
I had forgotten how much easier training is in cooler temperatures. Only 26 here today for my hill climbing. With a maximum elevation of 35m and only 13k of bitumen I go out to a 4k stretch that rises a … Continue reading
Over Christmas Sharon and I drove up to Port Douglas to catch up with another Northerner doing the tour. It was great to catch up with Adam Jones and family for a coffee and to get a bit of a … Continue reading
Welcome to My Tour de Cure Blog.December 2012 and the Tour is looming!!. April in South Australia seems a far cry from summer in the tropics, but I know that if I don’t get out in the heat and train I … Continue reading