
Day 8 – Albury to Khancoban – Mountain stage – 170km

My achilles was on my mind this morning as I woke up…the first of our 3 days of mountain climbing and I have 1,100km in my legs and a very sore right foot. This only gets worse when I peeled off my compression tights (which I wear every night between rides to help the legs recover a little quicker) and I have grown a club foot over night.  Thats right – clearly my foot has developed some swelling around the archilles and Ive managed to exacerbate it with restrictive tights.  Standing on it first thing shot electric sparks up my leg and my mood starts to darken.  Luckily I have befriended two pharmacists on TDC and no I dont agree with drugs in cycling but I needed something today.  The boys helped me out.

I led my second school presentation today (first thing) at Albury primary school and realised that the energy and excitement of 80 school kids well dwarfs the benefits of voltaren or whatever John gave me.  My mood was lifted in a heart beat and we were into it.  Gangnam Style was a dance I talked our management team at work to at our last Xmas party to spark the night and it seemed to work ok so I thought I’d try it with the kids.  They (unlike my colleagues at work) did not require any help with the dance moves so we demonstrated the benefits of dance and fitness – one of our key messages.  My CBA team mates Heidi and Rachelle did superb “Stickman” super heros and “Pitman” evil villain.

Post school, we visited the local Officeworks (big sponsor of TDC) and had a good chat to the team there about what we are doing.  What a friendly, service orientated team you are guys!

The ride today from Albury to Khancoban was one of all my all time top 5 rides ever.  Stunning rolling hills amongst the most beautiful water and greenery, some serious climbs, exhilarating descents, perfect weather and great company. It just does not get any better than that.  It was a serious ride too – 170km which included 30km of hard climbing, a lot of pitches 8-12% and well over 2,000m in vertical.  In some ways it reminded me of the 3 peaks, one of my other all time favourites.

Everyone was on a high tonight at the Alpine lodge in KC and we only had a few guests tonight as it is a very small township.  The buzz though was predictably all about tomorrow where we do some ridiculous amount of vertical including climbing the infamous “Dead Horse Gap” which has sections of around 20% gradient.  As I type this note, the mechanic has just informed me that my bike’s bottom bracket (which holds my drive train together) is basically stuffed.  My heart has just sunk again. I will ride it as far as it will go tomorrow and chance my luck.  It started going today. Tomo – if you are reading this – it will be in for repairs with you next week mate.

Wish me luck for tomorrow – it is another massive day. No school or sponsor visits so it will all be about climbing pain and I will have to make do with Voltaren.

Some photos from last 2 days (as promised)

Keeping warm in Benalla with DK, school presentations and a visit to CBA Albury branch

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