
Day 3

Is my bottom starting to ask question such as, what are you doing??? Well yes from time to time! After 3 day of riding, we are now spending the night in Bordertown in South Australia. Tomorrow, we will be crossing the Victorian border and visit our second State of this epic journey. Within those three days, we met some formidable people. The hospitality of the communities that we visited is incredible. For the last two days, we had guest rider who join us for 320km. Among them, Mark Smedley and Peter Waterman from Life Technologies came along to join me from Victor Harbour all the way to Borderton. Congratulation Mark and Peter, we had two wonderful day and I was very pleased to have you around for those two days! In addition, Owen Wright (from LT as well) to give us some moral support and some butt cream when needed! Thanks for the support Owen, this was greatly appreciated not only by me but also by many riders!

Tomorrow, we are doing something special, we are stopping at school to give a talk to the kids. This will be done every day of the next week. The aim, creating awareness that cancer can touch everyone of us and that by doing the right thing, we can help prevent cancer. Team Life Technologies is the first one to go tomorrow! This is to be continued.

For the last three days, we heard so many stories of people who suffered from cancer. It makes you realise how precious your life is.

Good night everyone!



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