759.5 km / 28h 41m Training last week
Last week was a perfect storm of training at a perfect time. The kids are on holidays so no morning commitments, Easter at the start of the week and no soccer at the end of the week made it the ideal week to go long, and I did. Last week I did 759km on the bike, a new record for a training week!
With just 4 weeks to go till Tour I needed a big week to confirm to myself that I have the legs that I need to get me through Tour, and I do.
Here is the week
Monday 176km / 6.12 h
Tuesday 79.9km / 3.07 h
Wednesday 44.3 km / 1.40 h
Thursday 94.2 km / 3.38 h
Friday 118.4 km / 2.45 h
Saturday 118.4 km / 4.39 h
Sunday 167.7 km / 6.38 h
The week started off on Easter Monday so I was able to get a long ride in. I met the guys in town so with my commute and the normal ride was able to get a 176 km ride in, a great start to a big week.
Tuesday I did a river loop from home with Jodi. I felt pretty strong after 250km so was happy at the end.
Wednesday I did a small recovery type ride with not much effort.
Thursday Jodi called a longer ride so I rode into town leaving home at 4am to get there for the 5am start. We went to out to Brookfield and it ended up being 94.2 km and over 1000m climbing !
Friday I did a riverloop which ended up being really frantic, nearly 38km/h average !!. I was happy that I was able to keep up most of the way.
Saturday was a great country ride where I did nearly 120 km
Sunday was an assessment ride which took us over 167km starting with the climb up to Mt Nebo.
All in all I was very happy with the way that I was riding this week. I think that I am ready to do Tour.
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