
Rain, torrential rain and a puncture

Today was a ridiculous ride, if you can call it that….!

There I was standing outside my house at 5.20am waiting for Peakey – who was typically running a couple of minutes late.  It wasn’t raining, just overcast.

I thought I’d better check my phone to see if there was a message, and sure enough it read “Weather on radar looks awful, not riding today.  Cheers”.  I was outside, so I thought I’m still going.




I got to Maisys in Neutral Bay and I wasn’t alone.  DK was already waiting, and we had a quick coffee and discussion about whether anyone else was turning up and the weather.  A quick coffee (picolo), and then we decided to kick off for the Mosman alps.

2 minutes down the Military Rd, I hit a bump and had a flat front tyre.   It had already start to rain a bit, and by the time the tube was replaced it the rain was getter heavier.  The quick discussion went along the lines of – let’s call it a day, neither of us were really that motivated.

I headed home, but thought I’d swing by Crows Nest for breakkie.  Sure, I got to Crows Nest, and as I got there the heavens opened.  I was already wet, and was on the hunt for a cafe at 6.10am on a Sunday morning – no where was open.

So, where to go – home (no), Maisys (wrong direction, and probably should have stopped there in the first place), Cammeray – yes.  So off I went in the rain.

There was 1 cafe open – another coffee and breakfast as the rain pelted down.  I was hoping it would let up, but only seemed to get stronger.

So after all this, I cycled home.  Yes, it was wet, and I’d gone a total of about 10k.  A great ride.

So, what did I learn from today – check the radar before heading out.  I was hoping to knock over 5 days in a row over the Aust Day weekend – but we’ll see about tomorrow……….  Forecast is not looking good at the moment.

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