
Lets go – one day to go!

It’s really exciting to be finally arrive in Adelaide for the start of the Tour de Cure!

The last 6 months have gone pretty quickly with work, kids and trying to fit the training and fundraising around all that life stuff.

 It kind of sneaks up on you and yesterday when I was packing I started to get a little excited, but a little apprehensive as well! 

What have I forgotten,
Did I pack this and that,
I hope I can get through this,
Have I done enough training?
Am I fit enough to do day after day?

I found myself running around at 4.30am this morning trying to think of things that I had forgotten, but also aware that I was running dangerously close to the 30kg of baggage that I had been allocated (my bike and bike bag was 16kg so that left me 14 kg for the rest).

As we left for the airport I started to think of the next 10 days without seeing my family. After some huge hugs and kisses I was off. 

It was great to catch up with Cory Morris (another rider from Brisbane) who I have been training with over the last 6 months.

Seeing the excitement of his first Tour about to begin took me back to my first Tour and really got me excited myself.

Arriving in Adelaide we also caught up with Daryl Parton (the husband of our Book Keeper who we lost to cancer and the reason that I started to ride in the first place) and then with all the old friends I had made over the last four years.

When we arrived at the hotel it was abuzz with activity, everybody doing final preparation, putting bikes together, getting all the kits handed out and organising the last of the details.

I quickly scored a job for the day, ferrying the arrivals from the airport to their accommodation.

It wasn’t too long till all the riders were all safely at the hotels and I had a great tour of Adelaide driving people around in the Lexus!

At tonight’s dinner I was proud to be awarded the inagural green jersey, in honour of Conner ( more about that tomorrow)

Off to bed now as there is an early morning tomorrow. We have to meet for the Sunrise crosses at 5.15am.

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