2013 Day 2 – Victor Harbor to Meningie
The alarm was set this morning at 5.00am, we needed to be ready by 5.30am to get a ride down to the water front at Victor Harbor for a 6 am breakfast. Luckily the support crew were on the job to ferry us to the this mornings breakfast.
On arriving at the water front we were greeted by a wonderful sunrise over the ocean and a beautiful breakfast prepared for us by our travelling catering van run by Chris.
Today we were joined by the guest riders who were going to be with us for the next two days. This year the guest riders were taking on quite a big challenge as the first day was 140km and the second day was 180km. These two days would test most riders so the guest riders were a bit apprehensive about the next two days and it showed on their faces as we prepared to leave.
Our peloton this morning was tasked with getting Mark Beretta to the mornings Channel 7 cross, so we were on the road nice and early (7.00am).
Little did we know that this mornings session was going to be one of the tougher sections that I have done on Tour and only the second morning in. It turned out the today the wind was going to be both a hindrance and an allie!
As we got going it was evident that the wind was going to be right into us for the whole morning and it wasnt just going to be a slight one. It was at least 20km per hour and it was in our faces but gusting to the side as well.
This made the first 45 km a really hard section. Not only was there a viscious head wind but every now and again there would be a gust that would move you a foot the the right.
When we reached Strathalbyn everybody was really re-leaved that we were there. It was a good time to take a break as a few riders were right on the edge of their limits (me included.)
Although I was doing it hard my legs were responding well and after the short break and Channel 7 cross we were off again. This time however the wind was squarely at our backs.
What was very hard and taxing suddenly became much easier. After about 20km I got to the front and spent the rest of the morning there clocking up about 40km and it wasnt at all hard work sitting on 40km/h. This meant that for the second part of the morning we were blasting along having a great time with the breeze at our backs.
Soon we were sitting on the side of the big Murray River having a beautiful lunch and taking a well earned rest.
It was great to cross the river after lunch on the ferry, a unique way to get started for the last section of the day.
The last section was also made easier by a slight tail wind so we had no trouble sitting on 35km/h till we finished about 2.30pm at Meningie.
The welcome we had a Meningie was wonderful. The locals came out to give us a warm welcome and to share their town with us.
Tonight I was in the fortunate position to be Billeted with a local family as Meningie isnt a very large town and with the guest riders the local accomodation was streached to the max.
Both Justin and I were lucky enough to be billeted by Inge and Kevyn Rorke who took us into their home and made us feel like kings for the day. It was a privilege to share their home and to get to know these kind people who opened their arms to us for the night.
Dinner tonight was put on at the local school hall and the locals turned out to give us a great meal and warm welcome.
It was great to be able to mingle with the local Meningie residents and feel the support from this great little town.
Tonight we gave $5000 to the local hospital and it was received by a grateful Linda who tells us what it will be used for in the video below.
Being able to donate to the local communities that we visit really makes me proud. These small communities can really put the $5000 to something local that they really need.
The night ended with a band and a few of the Tour tragic’s cutting a rug on the dance floor
Here are the girls cutting a rug at the end of the night !!
Tomorrow we travel to Border Town a ride of 180km
If you want to see the details of today ride go to https://app.strava.com/activities/50938793
Here are the stats for todays ride
- 143.5km
- 591m
- 04:26:30
Moving Time
- 3,615
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