Bugger – Training start stalled
Well I have started training ……….. well sort of.
The first week went well, 400 km and going well. Starting to feel good but a bit fatigued by the end, still a good start ………… then ……….
Kicking the soccer ball with Nicholas was good fun till ………. crack. I did my hip flexer which has taken me off the bike for 3 weeks.
I feel like I am now way behind the eight ball. I know that it is still 4 months away but I have never left it this late to start training.
I need to get serious now and make sure that I have a good plan to get ready.
What makes me more nervous is that the talk getting around the traps is that the new route for next year is 1650km but is also 25,000 meters climbing, now that is going to be brutal !!
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