I'm riding to find a cure for cancer.

1,400 km, 16,238m elevation
Sydney – Canberra – Shepparton - Geelong
3 - 11 May 2019


What my 7 year old taught me today

My daughter Michaela had her first Violin lesson this week and she gave us an impromptu show. It got me thinking about stuff and thinking about what she taught me today. Vision – Who would think that the first few notes could turn into playing Mozarts Violin Concerto No. 4?  Well she does! Already she has the vision, she can see herself playing and playing well. Today she made me …Read more


Saturday – Ride into Brisbane City with the two Scotts

This morning was a great day for a ride. The cool weather is really a lot better than the hot humid weather. Today I was riding with the two Scotts. Both hadnt done much riding lately so it was good to have not too much pace on after the first week of riding every day. I rode from Kuraby to Scotts place and then onto the city along the Freeway …Read more