Day 4 – From Adaminaby to Corryong
144.0km Distance
6:19:59 Moving Time
2,769m Elevation
Extreme Suffer Score
3,661kJ Energy Output
Avg Max
Speed 22.7km/h 78.8km/h
Heartrate 127bpm 184bpm
Cadence 73 219
Calories 4,082
Temperature 16℃
Elapsed Time 9:45:16
The alarm went off at 7:30am…..yes that’s right, 7:30am! We got a sleep in today which is something different. Each of the three peletons got to get up at different times. Its a double edged sword though. If you leave later you get in later !!
As soon as we were up and going we headed for breakfast with the Sunrise cross out the front of the Big Trout in the middle of town. It was bloody cold this morning so I had my arm warmers, leg warmers, kit, hat, coat, long gloves etc on.
My team for Tour is the Life Technology team which was speaking on the cross this morning so I got my ugly mug on TV again 🙂
We took off after one of the cross’s and it was soon that we started to shed the layers. Today was the start of the real climbing in the Tour so as we started to go up the temperature started to rise as well. Eventually I got down to normal kit as the day started to warm up really well.
Today was a real climbing day which meant 3 things
1/ There was lots of hills and
2/ There was wonderful scenery !!
3/ There was some even awesomer downhills
I hadnt done too much climbing in my training so I was a little aprehensive about going up the hills today but I had enough in my legs to have fun and get up all the hills
At Cabramurra (the highest town in Australia), we met the local school students (they only have 7 kids in the school !!)
We also had a big morning tea and fuelled up for the biggest climb of the day. Within minutes of leaving town, we descended 700 metres to the dam over the Tumut Pond Reservoir. This was an awesome decent, but……we had to go straight back up the other side. 6km at 12% gradient was tough, really tough.
I was in the lowest gear that I had and it was still hard going. For me the only reason to climb up a hill is to look at the view and to roll down the other side!
We soon ground our way to the top and down the other side.
Hills and valleys was the theme for the rest of the day and we eventually got into Corryong.
Tonight the locals put on a great dinner for us and I sat with the girls from the local hospital who I got up for a dance !!
Overall I am really happy with the way that my body is holding up so far but its only day 4. There is a lot of work to do before we get to the end.
Another big day tomorrow, 180 km and 2000 m climbing and an early start !!
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