Hot, HOT Hurt Locker
This weekend I wanted to get a couple of good long rides under my belt. You need long slowish rides to get your endurance levels high enough to do the whole Tour de Cure ride so I was going to do a couple of long rides for the weekend.
Well it was a great idea but the temperature this weekend was between 30 degrees and 35 degrees which probably isnt the best for long rides.
My wife said on Friday night that I should cut it back a bit but I thought that I would be right. How wrong I was !!
I left home at 4am and by about the 50km mark I was so hot I was in the HURT LOCKER.
Thats the place you go when you have no energy, cant keep up, and really dont want to be here.
I ended up riding 165 km but being in the Hurt Locker for most of the ride wasnt much fun.
Later that day I started to get cramps in my legs, that seems to happen when I go for long hot rides !!
Sundays ride was canceled as I was still feeling the effects of Saturdays ride.
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