Tour de Cure 2012 – Day one
Well I have been training for this day for a while and I have been hitting up everybody that I know for a donation for a while now and the day has finally come that I need to walk the walk instead of talking the talk!!
Today is the start of Tour de Cure 2012.
It was an early start to the day as we needed to make the trek from our accommodation at Robertson (south of Brisbane ) to our official starting point at the Kangaroo Point cliffs overlooking the Brisbane River and Brisbane City.
As we rolled out of Robertson Gardens I had an overwhelming feeling come over me. Months earlier I had promised my mate Kathy Parton as she was lying dying that I would ride the Tour de Cure 2012 in her honor. This morning I had scrawled her name in texta on my forearm and the just looking down made tears well in my eyes. I was riding along hoping that the other riders were not noticing those tears.
It was great to see Kathys family at Kangaroo Point to meet me and cheer me on.
Another great surprise was having a visit from my normal Tuesday morning riding group all kitted out in their Love Riding Kit !!
Have a look at the fine figure that they cut
We rolled out at 8.30am to a wonderful day and onto the Narangba Village Primary School.
WOW. They must have given these kids a bottle of Red Cordial each for Breakfast because the reception was out of this world. We felt like One Direction going into the hall where we gave our little presentation about how to prevent cancer – Be Fit – Be Healthy – Be Happy
Everybody was on a high when we left the school and floated to lunch and for the rest of the ride.
Unfortunately a huge storm welcomed us into Noosa so the last 15 km or so was spent skating down hills and around roundabouts in pouring rain.
At tonights dinner we gave $5000 to a local cancer charities that helps families fighting cancer.
Im stuffed so I am going to bed now
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