
TDC Day 8 Devonport – Launceston


Hello again all from Tasmania! We arrived here this morning ( early) on the Spirit of   Tasmania. It was… FREEZING on the deck whilst we were doing the Sunrise crosses…but success again on getting my mug in the background.

Tassie is beautiful…rolling hills, lovely scenery, green, very rural. Reminds me a lot of Ireland. We climbed a lovely ascent today through National Park. It was truly a wonderful climb. A couple of the guys were struggling today, so I was asked to sit with one and we just chatted all the way up. It was very social.

We made our way to a Farm School about 30kms from Launceston which was great. Kids were super excited. They gave us cheques/cash for $750 and 3 dozen fresh eggs. (They were later auctioned at the dinner to raise more funds, and the lucky winner has donated them back to the riders for their breaky tomorrow 🙂 ).

Lovely cruise into Launceston including a cracking highway descent where the speedo was hitting great heights. We finished at Royal Park at a Camp Quality event where the kids were being entertained by clowns, jugglers, face painting etc. There are lots of tired riders now….bodies battered and bandaged…the physio is working overtime to keep the strapping going.

Dinner tonight was another lovely evening, $5000 to Camp Quality, and a great auction that raised another $2000 or so for TdC.

One of our team , Ange lives here and she had invited a friend along to explain her relationship with cancer. I will spare her name, but her family, including an uncle has a long history with breast cancer. She had herself tested for the Brac2 genome and it was positive. She took the courageous decision to have her ovaries and both her breasts removed. That’s courage…especially when others around reacted badly. Her outlook is extremely postive and her message was simple…prevention was her best option.

Whilst our message to our children is that 1 in 3 cancers are preventable, it’s clear some are more predispososed than others. Sometimes it’s what’s in your DNA.That’s why they are forced to take radical steps. Finding a cure is the other end of the spectrum.

That’s why tomorrow we roll to Swansea.

All my best , df.

ps: 14 signatures


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