I got into cycling in 1984, recovering from breaking my tibial plateau (knee) into 3 pieces in 1983. I then participated in my first triathlon in Sydney (swim across Sydney Harbour) in 1985. The purchased a Miyata bike and did a few 1.5km/40km/12km triathlons starting at Umina beach on the Central coast. I…
HI all, My part of the ride is over. After watching the full tour riders start in Adelaide on Friday, I then rode myself down to Victor Harbor to get there by 1230pm. Great 100km ride, as it did have some tailwind, … Continue reading →
Found a bit more time this week and got out most days. Mixed up some flat and hill rides this week. Mon 115km – Mt Lofty and Outer Harbour Wed 30km – magtrainer Thu 82km – Outer Harbour Frid 15km … Continue reading →
Great night had by all on Easter Saturday at the Brighton Rugby Club.
We had two live bands that were fantastic. We opened with the great surf music of LiFe oF BriNe doing classics like Pipeline, Wipeout and Wedding Cake Island and songs by the Atlantics. (Bombora by the Atlantics).
Followed up with the Adelaide cover rock band, The Semantics that had all up dancing with three great brackets with songs from INXS, ,Billy Idol, David Bowie, Men at Work and many others. Great bands available for gigs in Adelaide and both highly recommended.
I would like to thank the Bands for donating their time for this cause. I was fortunated to have Pat Carpenter come along and explain about the Tour de Cure for the crowd.
Bigger effort this week with getting out everyday. Accumulated 368km in the saddle this week with both a flat ride as well as continuing in the Hills. Mon 42km + 15 km (Mt Lofty/Norton Summit + home/work/home) Tue 15km (home/work/home) … Continue reading →
Training is continuing, with now doing approx 220km-300km per week. Mixed it up a bit now, and doing some flat rides to put n some k’s. Home to outer Harbour can be a 100km round trip. Pretty happy with a 31kph avg last week. Also increase the early weekday hills ride with Monday being 38km Mt Lofty-norton Summit . Wednesday ride being a early weekday 54km Mt Lofty, Marble Hill, Monticute Rd, Corkscrew Rd
. Friday repeat 52 km trip Hills ride.
Home-work-home adds a little 15km return trip each day.
On the fundraising front, some more donations coming in, with also now an Easter Saturday fundraising gig set up for Easter Saturday with live band, ‘The Semantics’ and raffles, auctions.
Last Saturday did 82km through the ADelaide Hills out to Lobethal, Cudlee creek and a climb up Corkscrew Rd (2013 TDU fame) with 2100 mt of climbing for th emorning ride. Then after a flat 37km last Sunday, and a … Continue reading →
The sunrising is getting later each day it seems. A 6am start is fairly dark and needs lights on now. The ‘Mt Lofty-Norton Summit ride’ going up the freeway bike track in the near dark becomes light when nearing the … Continue reading →
With a goal, it makes the getting up early easier to get out for a before-work ride! Thanks for your support so far….
I have emailed my colleagues in Optus both in SA and ICT Consulting nationally. I’m now off the starting blocks with some grateful early donations. This is great. It is giving me so much confidence that others believe in the cause to want to help and … Continue reading →
Just did an early morning ride this morning before work over Mt Lofty. Time to start getting some K’s and some climbing mtr’s in my legs.