
Signature Tour Day 8

Apollo Bay to Geelong

130km, 1,162m elevation, 4hr 58mins ride time


11110863_10153334154654903_843730223655259767_nYou come to really appreciate a good thing when you have had it bad for a while.  The weather fairies were out in force today.  Blue cloudless skies, perfect temperature (once the sun was up) and no wind.  Seriously, where has all this been since the start of the Tour??!!  It has been on my bucket list to cycle the Great Ocean Road and thank goodness it has been in great weather.

I felt very flat this morning.  Very sore muscles, sore knees, and feeling just a bit emotional.  It seems to eventually  get to everyone at some stage!  I think seeing the accident yesterday was a big emotional drain.  I sat up towards the front of the peloton to avoid the inevitable surging that happens down the back of the peloton, which really hurts my knee after a while.

Team Lexus, along with Mark and Paul Beretta, had to get to a school presentation quickly in the afternoon, so we basically time trialled for about 20km into Geelong to ensure we did not miss the school.  Paul’s kids attend this school, and it was one of the most fun schools we have been to.  They even made us a video, which was really touching.  We all shared the speaking bits around, and even though it was ad lib, it was a fun and informative session!!

We then met up with the whole team on the foreshore in Geelong

Geelong foreshore

Geelong foreshore

and had some down time with the team.  It was really lovely, as usually you are very rushed to get in, get showered, and get to the community dinner each night.  Mark and Paul Beretta hosted our big community dinner (they are from Geelong).

Team of tour and Tour jerseys were awarded tonight.  Team Lexus came first in the team time trial.  I thought I held the very strong boys up too much and that we did not do well.  I underestimated myself!!  We also have the highest fundraising per head, but team Optus took out the crown.  Congrats!!

I am literally falling asleep as I type, so off to sleep for me.

Fun at lunchtime!

Fun at lunchtime!

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