
Week 12 of 24 Training and Fundraising Update

Wow, the half way mark already.

This week was the last of my base building phase. A total of 370km for the week. Next week is the start of specific preparation which will include some longer rides and some back to back long days to get the body used to having to back up each day.

Today (Sunday) was also the first TDC training assessment ride. An early start to be in Neutral Bay by 5.45am for briefing prior to a 6am departure for the 4 Gorges ride. A steady pace over 105km and 4 good climbs around Bobbin Head, Galston Gorge and Berowra that gave the opportunity to see how the training is going in comparison to the other riders that will be on tour. The good news is that the training is working.

Below is a picture of the group as we take a short barge ride:

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The hip flexor is continuing to flare and needs extra stretching each day. Had a day this week where I was up at 4am stretching to relieve the pain. Thankfully a massage is planned for this week which should help manage the problem.

The fundraising has had another great contribution this week. A friend of my father’s who lives in Singapore has been following his progress with his chemo and came across my TDC blog. After having undertaken his own fundraising campaign in Singapore that saw him shave his head with a mate and raise S$100,000 for cancer research he chose to help me out in our campaign. Thanks Jimmy, much appreciated.

A work colleague also made his third donation, having had a horrible 2013 with a number of friends and family, including his mother, being diagnosed or continuing to battle cancer during the year. Thanks Al, you will be front of mind during the tour that is for sure.

So off to do some stretching as the next 7 days look like being huge, a possible 470km week, not a bad way to spend the last of my annual leave weeks.

Cheers, Woody

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