
Week 14 of 24 Training and Fundraising Update

It was back to work this week and that means a few earlier starts. As a result I’m feeling quite tired and have required a couple of nana naps over the weekend. 🙂

This week was ‘hardest’ in the training cycle and although less kilometres (421kms) compared to last week (502kms) the body is very much looking forward to next week’s ‘easy’ week which will inlcude an extra day off and some recovery rides. Will be important to work on rest, stretching and core work to get the most from the recovery phase of my training.

It was good to tackle the ‘Wall’ again today, this time with Owen. The hard climbing metres are definitely helping, feeling stronger every week.

It’s hard to believe that we are into the last 10 weeks of preparation for tour, time is going so fast.

Given I have to fly to Orlando the day after tour finishes, bookings have been made and preparations for the presentation commenced. Suggestions were made during the week that I would need to be wheeled out to the stage. Thankfully a friend is going to make some enquiries for us that may assist our comfort on the flight over. I’m thinking full compression for the legs will be a minimum requirement.

Being back at work did allow me to follow up on some donation commitments which has seen me pass another milestone, the $25,000 mark. I’ve had a couple of target revisions during the first 14 weeks and this week I’ve set a new target of $35,000. It will be fantastic to hit this mark before the start of tour, and I am confident we can get there.

Thanks for all the support to date, keep following and feel free to spread the word, every dollar counts.



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