
Week 24 of 24 Training and Fundraising Update and a Massive Thank You

Well I’ve reached the final update before we head off for the journey from Sydney to Hobart, riding to find a cure for cancer.

The last 24 weeks have been an incredible experience and I can only guess what the next 10 days are going to be like, being amongst 100 other motivated and committed individuals.

As this will be my last update before the tour I wanted to take the time to recognise some people that have been instrumental in my preparation and fundraising success.

Firstly, to Jodie, Blake and Mikayla – thank you for putting up with me constantly talking about Tour De Cure, for being out on the road for long periods of times, particularly on weekends, and for your continued support of everything that I do, you are amazing and I love you forever.

Over the last 24 weeks I have ridden 8,350kms and burnt a ridiculous number of calories. Despite the weather at various times I haven’t missed a single session of training, although I can’t say the same about my core exercises. Having done a couple of weeks of tapering I am starting to feel fresh and strong and definitely ready.

Thanks to my coach Jenny, who has prepared my programme and guided me through all aspects of training, to get me in the best possible shape. Your commitment to each of your athletes is second to none, and your selfless giving of time, support and knowledge is very much appreciated. I couldn’t have done this without your contribution, thank you.

To my training mate, Owen, there is a reason that you are recognised by Tour De Cure, it has been a pleasure to train with as I chewed your ear off trying to learn about the tour and have been incredibly supportive, thanks so much. Maybe we can go for a ride in the next few days….

As of this morning, I have raised the unbelievable amount of $42,517.

To everyone that has donated, thank you, your support of this cause is very much appreciated. It is probably unfair to single people out, but the following people have done an enormous amount to assist me, without them I would not have been able to achieve anywhere near the total I have.

Sandra, Louise, Alistair, Les, Peter and Tina (my awesome work colleagues and friends) – The work you have done to assist has been incredible, helping with accessing corporate contacts, on-campus promotions, spruiking while I was on my trainer, donating and generally supporting everything I did to raise awareness and funds. Thank you and thanks for joining us tonight at the Community dinner. It will be great to be able to share some of the Tour experience with you.

To my corporate supporters that have taken up packages or done more than I could have expected:

–          Monument Environmental Services – George Mourad, a silver donation and winning bidder of our auction.

–          Kemp Strang Lawyers – David and Lisa, a bronze donation.

–          Coca Cola – Frank, a bronze donation plus supplying all the soft drink for tour which is a great assistance to the costs of running the tour and enables more to go to the cause.

–          Nuri Balabanel who via his Uni Brothers Kebab shop has personally donated $2,000 plus promoted cash donations that has raised a further $1,000. Nuri has also encouraged friends to donate, in particular Eastern Engineering and Sydney Kebabs who both donated $2,000.

–          Kane Richards at Subway who has made personal donations and promoted cash donations at his Subway stores.

–          Learning Partners – Jonathan and Sue, I look forward to you joining us in Launceston.


Also, Vittoria Coffee, Tania and Rolando, thank you for giving me this opportunity and for supporting our coffee promotion over the past month. Without you I would not be a part of this journey.

To our friends and family that have donated, thank you, we are blessed to have you and appreciate the support and understanding of why we are doing this tour.

Finally, to Margaret (my mother-in-law), who has inspired me to participate in the tour. Her passing three years ago is what triggered the desire to do something about cancer. The impact more recently on my father, father in law and brother in law just demonstrates how important finding a cure is to my family and I am sure yours.

Follow our progress either on Sunrise each morning or my blog which I hope to update as often as possible during tour, and feel free to add your comments, your support will be helpful in getting through the tough moments.

Thank you


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