
Big days climbing, day 4

Well today was 2700 meters climbing which was double yesterday. 140km of hills which included the highest town in Australia, ski resorts and the great dividing range. The great teamwork got us through. Loved the climbing and pushing past my comfort zone. The descents are my weakness and just the fear of speed on a bike at 70 km per hour scares me. I am going to overcome it to become great on the hills.

The scenery was amazing, this was also mentioned by a rider who had toured many countries including Europe. Just can’t describe how pictures’ it was. Something to think about visiting this area in the summer time. The locals told us tonight it was brown last week but after all this rain we have had. So blessed!

So as you see our days are a emotional rollacoaster. Not just hills but loads of emotions and sore muscles and bodies. Today was so rewarding to see a fellow rider struggling yesterday smash it out on the hills and still smile at the end. I love the feeling of everyone helping each other and the bubble you get into with our extended family.

I hosted the dinner tonight with Bill Wheeler and it was a scream. The Corryong community gave us the most memorable night. I had to talk about myself and why I was on tour and that was tough. I just feel so very blessed every day to have such beautiful friends and family and live in an amazing community !

So many emotions, such great concentration on being safe and sticking to the wheel and keeping the line on the descents. So tired tonight although so excited to have such a lovely day and dinner with some beautiful people. One being a local physiologist who is working with trauma and grief people married to a local farmer. Tomorrow you will hear about the others and funny things that happened at tea tonight.

Here are some images of my day

Scool kids at Camramurra School
Racing the car park at the ski resort
After the big climb with Jodi
The muppet award
The views at the end if the day
The company we had for dinner








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