
Week 9 of 20 Fundraising and Training update

It’s been a few weeks since my last update and given I will be in China for the next week I am getting in early for the Week 9 update.

The past few weeks have been heavily weighted toward training, ensuring lots of hills and endurance work has been completed in preparation for 3Peaks and ultimately the tour. I’m feeling a lot stronger than a couple of months ago and the Watt bike power numbers are starting to reflect the hard work, which is encouraging.

Last weekend in the ridiculously hot Sydney weather we took on two climbs of Macquarie Pass, which is a climb that takes about 45 minutes to do each time. The total ride was only 95km but our ascent metres exceeded 2,000m, great training. A minor run in with a stick or rock on the road at 60km/h resulted in a puncture and front wheel damage but other than that the ride was great fun.

So after a few weeks of 400+km the next week is going to be a bit of recovery while in China. At this stage I’m not sure what I will be able to do and what equipment will be available in the hotel. The weather is expected to top out at 8 degrees for the week so there won’t be any outdoor activity.

On the fundraising side things have been ticking along nicely. I have reached my first goal of the journey which was the minimum requirement of $12,000. Next target is what I raised last year, being $50,000 and then it is on to the big goal of $100,000.

I have three major fundraising activities in the pipeline that could all be significant and have me well on my way to the end goal. The majority of the results will come in March so it’s a matter of being patient at this stage. It still amazes me how people are so willing to jump on board and assist, although it is a no brainer when you consider the cause.

One of the great stories from 2014 was the night in Canberra where TDC gave Chuck Bailey, a young doctor researching the DNA of certain cancers, a cheque for over $500,000. His reaction was priceless, and when he explained what the money would be used for it became an even more incredible a story. Chuck was to buy a piece of equipment that would do in one day what previously was taking him in excess of 60 days to do manually. He explained how he was very close to being able to define the DNA of certain cancer cells and that once he could do this, doctors such as Dr John Rasko would then be able to find the cure. Quite an amazing story and what an experience to be part of the team that is providing these funds.

These stories are why I am passionate about achieving my major goal this year and would really appreciate any support that you can provide. The TDC team is an amazing group of people that are making a difference and every dollar counts.

Have a great week; I look forward to returning to warmer weather in a week and getting back on the road to clock up some more training kilometres and getting out and about to raise funds.



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