143.2km Distance 5:10:55 Moving Time 1,410m Elevation 3,143kJ Energy Output Ave Max Speed 27.6km/h 68.8km/h Heartrate 121bpm 160bpm Cadence 81 205 Calories 3,505 Temperature 15℃ Elapsed Time 7:46:09 Everybody was excited last night because it was the end of Daylight savings tonight, I know its only an hour but when you have been surviving on 6 …Read more
151.1km Distance 5:48:15 Moving Time 1,356m Elevation 144 3,204kJ Energy Output Avg Max Speed 26.0km/h 70.6km/h Heartrate 119bpm 206bpm (I dont believe that !!) Cadence …Read more
135.7km Distance 5:40:37 Moving Time 1,504m Elevation 2,815kJ Energy Output Avg Max Speed 23.9km/h 65.5km/h Heartrate 115bpm 160bpm Cadence 76 …Read more
159.9km Distance 5:56:30 Moving Time 1,591m Elevation 3,360kJ Energy Output Avg Max Speed 26.9km/h 74.2km/h Heartrate 122bpm 164bpm Cadence 80 238 Calories …Read more
207.7km Distance 8:15:01 Moving Time 2,480m Elevation 4,717kJ Energy Output Avg Max Speed 25.2km/h 85.7km/h Heartrate 121bpm 151bpm Cadence 77 142 Calories 5,260 Temperature 17℃ Elapsed Time 10:51:36 Everybody was aprehensive about the stage today, after …Read more
Another early start this morning ! We had to have our bags out by 5.30am and be down for the first cross by 6.00am. I am not sure if I prefer the early start but early finish or if I prefer a sleep in and late finish to the day ?? At this point I would probably prefer getting away early. Today was going to be a hot one with …Read more
144.0km Distance 6:19:59 Moving Time 2,769m Elevation Extreme Suffer Score 3,661kJ Energy Output Avg Max Speed 22.7km/h 78.8km/h Heartrate 127bpm 184bpm Cadence 73 219 Calories 4,082 Temperature 16℃ Elapsed Time 9:45:16 The alarm went off at 7:30am…..yes that’s right, 7:30am! We got …Read more
174.4km Distance 6:52:36 Moving Time 2,035m Elevation (?) Extreme Suffer Score 3,816kJ Energy Output Avg Max Speed 25.4km/h 62.6km/h Heartrate 130bpm 172bpm Cadence 78 222 Calories 4,255 AveTemperature 13℃ Elapsed Time 9:59:26 …Read more
Todays ride Stats 172.2km Distance 6:06:04 Moving Time 1,526m Elevation 207 Extreme Suffer Score 3,598kJ Energy Output Avg Max Speed 28.2km/h 72.0km/h Heartrate 135bpm 175bpm Cadence 79 186 Calories 4,012 Temperature 19℃ Elapsed Time 8:10:06 The forecast for …Read more
Todays Ride stats 169.2km Distance 6:33:21 Moving Time 1,433m Elevation 214 Extreme Suffer Score AVG MAX SPEED 25.8km/h 57.6km/h HEARTRATE 133bpm 177bpm CADENCE 78 …Read more